Zumbi dos Palmares

There were quite some great men in history of capoeira. As it goes in capoeira hierarchy, one can hardly become a master (mestre) if one lacks of at least a few human qualities, such as being fair, respectful, brave. Many great masters of capoeira gained their tittles by being who they truly are and thus being and inspiration to others. One of them was definitely a great man Zumbi dos Palmares. His name suggests that he was born in a Palmares region of Brazil but also as a free man. He was one of the inhabitants of Quilombo dos Palmares. Quilombo meanning a warrior settlement, where slaves that escaped found their refugee. Quilombo dos Palmares was often reffered to as Promised land for the African slaves in Brazil.

Zumbi was at around 6 years enslaved by Portuguese and served as a slave to a priest called António Melo. At his 15 he escaped and returned to his home village, where he soon became known as capoeira master. His skills in roda were impressive. His strategic skills were admirable, as he in his 20’s became a respected military strategist.

As Portuguese continuously invaded Palmares, Palmares military were experts in the Capoeira self defense, often described as the art of escape. Portuguese were seeking for free work force for their sugar plantations. But they were often unsuccessful, due to capoeira. Later on in 1678 King of Palmares called Ganga Zumba negotiated with weary governor of Pernambuco which has agreed to concede all runaway slaves residing in the Palmares regions if Palmares would submit to Portuguese rule and Ganga Zumba favoured the compromise, but Zumbi did not. He selfproclaimed him as a commander-in-chief of its resistence. He reigned against the Portuguese until 1680. He was later on betrayed and captured by Portuguese, but escaped afterwards.  In 1694 the Portuguese eventually destroyed the Palmares compound. While the Quilombo remained in the Palmares region, Zumbi was captured and killed on November 20, 1695.

He is to this very day known as:

Símbolo da resistência negra contra a escravidão, é o último chefe do Quilombo dos Palmares.